Pricing for Trainings
The 1st Consultation starting at a Total Fee of $55.00 for 1 hour.
Packages: Total Fee of $175.00 for 3 hours including support for a IEP/504 meeting.
Training classes: Total Fee of $75.00 PER HOUR.
Review of IEP, 504.
A,B,C of Special Education.
Who is on your IEP team.
ACRONYMS of Special Education.
4. Trainings for ABC's of Autism 101: Parent to Parent Four Part Series - Total Fee of $250.00
Part 1: What is Autism
Part 2: Communications
Part 3: What Steps Do I Take Now
Part 4: How To Start Living with The Diagnosis
5. Trainings for Autism in the Education Systems: Four Part Series - Total Fee of $750.00
Getting the Classification
Special Education Documents
Evaluations and Assessments
Who's Who on the IEP Team/Functions of the Team​
Differences between Classification and Diagnosis
Choose what service you are seeking
1 hr
75 US dollars1 hr
75 US dollars1 hr
75 US dollars1 hr
75 US dollars1 hr
75 US dollars